How To Finger Her To Orgasm

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4 sexual mistakes that men make
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How to finger her to orgasm so she never forgets you. Truth is that most guys don’t know what to do down there. Sad thing is that we are never taught what to do down there, we have to somehow magically know how to finger her to orgasm without anyone telling us how to do it. Our dads don’t tell us. Mainly because they don’t know how to. The girls we are with never tell us what to do or how to finger her. She may not even have ever had an orgasm or know how to have one. So, my friend, here we are. I am about to teach you how to finger your woman and make her orgasm hard. you need to meet the inside of her vagina. Where is where? Inside her vagina and closer to her stomach side is her g spot. This is the size and the feel of a walnut. This video will teach you how to touch and how to stroke this part of her vagina to make her as orgasmic as possible. Once she can orgasm more easily from your finger she will become more orgasmic so she will orgasm more easily during sex.